In the Carnival days leading up Mardi Gras, Detective Caleb Rooney comes under investigation for a murder he is accused of committing in the line of duty--as a Major Crimes detective for the New Orleans Police Department. Has his sideline at the Killer Chef food truck given him a taste for murder? While fighting the charges against him, Rooney makes a pair of unthinkable discoveries. His beloved city is under threat of attack. And these would-be terrorists may be local.
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John Doe 22 April - 2017
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and etting industry orem Ipsum has industr the industry 's standard my text ever since they 500s.nteger porttitor ligula eget quam blandit finibus. Suspendisse potenti.
Aenean et tempor eros, vitae sollicitudin velit. Etiam varius enim.
John Doe 22 April - 2017
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and etting industry orem Ipsum has industr the industry 's standard my text ever since they 500s.nteger porttitor ligula eget quam blandit finibus. Suspendisse potenti.
Aenean et tempor eros, vitae sollicitudin velit. Etiam varius enim.
John Doe 22 April - 2017
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and etting industry orem Ipsum has industr the industry 's standard my text ever since they 500s.nteger porttitor ligula eget quam blandit finibus. Suspendisse potenti.
Aenean et tempor eros, vitae sollicitudin velit. Etiam varius enim.
John Doe 22 April - 2017
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and etting industry orem Ipsum has industr the industry 's standard my text ever since they 500s.nteger porttitor ligula eget quam blandit finibus. Suspendisse potenti.
Aenean et tempor eros, vitae sollicitudin velit. Etiam varius enim.