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Connection of the Mind and Soul

Change is a consistent procedure towards advancement. Nature's Law underlines that things that are the result of obliviousness and deception are to be isolates from our being much the same as dry leaves are shed easily from a tree. 

Separation makes us mindful of the shallowness of the calculative human personality. It at the same time features the truth of the Supreme Force that has the ability to cut all numbness so divine light can fill our being to set up an immediate association with the Supramental Consciousness. 

Pranam educates, motivates and helps us to set ourselves up in poornta, in totality, towards acknowledgment of this heavenly yog, association, where 'your will is thy will and thy will is your will.' 

This is to be acknowledged at different dimensions - 

Body – Physical 

Brain – Mental 

Soul – Spiritual 

Soul – Oneness. 

We can spread love and light around us just if our three planes - body, brain and soul are tranquil. For this, every last one of us needs to locate our own wonderful and unconstrained regular way, which is consistent with our independence, our temperament, and the Supreme Nature. Everybody is interesting and allocated a particular task to carry out in this creation, we just need to wind up deserving of satisfying our perfect mission.